
An illustrated web landing page and 5 app onboarding pages for a conceptualized company, called loveleaf. loveleaf teaches new, and experienced plant collectors, how to best care for all types of houseplants. The idea is that the user will be able to choose from a list of houseplants to learn about, learn about how much light is required, what type of soil is best, and how much water the plant needs. The onboarding pages I created are examples of what would show when someone first downloads the app and is greeted with information about what the app provides. The two people in the onboarding pages were illustrated to represent not a specific person, but all people who love plants and are interested in learning about them. I illustrated a handful of different types of plants, from leafy plants to succulents, and I used pops of bright pinks and oranges to create a welcoming and warm feeling when a user opens the app.



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