As a soon to be graduate of Mississippi State University, I am eager to take on the real world and gain so many new experiences! From an early age, I have always loved creating art of my own and attending art museums, craft fairs, and much more, so I believe that is where my passion for design flourished from. One fun thing I would do when I was little was make homemade birthday cards for my family and friends, and to this day, I still do it! I love making things as personal as I can.

I have always enjoyed photography, so you can usually catch me taking pictures of every little thing I find the slightest bit awesome. I capture anything from a beautiful sky or fascinating architecture, to moments with my amazing family, friends, and pets. I’m a person that has to take pictures of everything I see, everywhere I go - it’s kind of an annoying habit!

I have always been passionate about the wellbeing of animals, especially cats and dogs places in animal shelters and humane societies. One major life goal I have for myself is to open my own cozy, cat cafe. Cat cafes are slowly growing in abundance, but there are still not as many around as I would like to see. They are such a great source for visitors to go through in order to adopt a cat from local shelters and humane societies. One thing I love about cat cafes is that the cats are given relaxing environments to live in, rather than being in cages for most of their days, at the same time giving them more exposure to people and other cats!

This is something that I will always be passionate about, and it is exciting to me that I have the skills to create the entirety of this brand from the ground up!


I have been honored to receive a few awards and recognition for my work over the past few years.

Silver ADDY, Tuscaloosa | Award, Nature Valley Ad Campaign | 2023

4th Annual CAAD + CALS Historic Costume Exhibition | Exhibited, “1960s Women’s Fashion Trends” | 2022

Graphis Silver Award | International New Talent Annual 2022 Competition | Published, “It’s All in the Eyes” | 2022

Black Prarie Blues Museum Exhibition | Exhibited, “Margaret Walker” | 2022

Some amazing cat cafes I have visited that you should, too:

Naughty Cat Cafe | Chattanooga, TN
Scruffy’s Cafe | Knoxville, TN
Twisted Whisker Cat Cafe | Tupelo, MS