
Behind every photo is a story. What’s yours?

The concept behind this ad campaign is simple: there is an untold story behind a single photo, but what exactly is it? As a society, we tend to focus on one sole photo that we may like enough to post on social media, or share with our friends, but what about all of those other photos that were taken before and after that singular photo you picked out? There is always more to the story than that one photo… and this was the idea that we expanded upon. The most important thing photography does is tell a story, so that’s exactly what we did. We found people who use their Canon cameras to tell their own stories, and took one main photo of them that represents that sole photo they might pass along, but we also snapped a collage of photos that would end up being “long lost” in order to tell their personal stories.

From a car enthusiast who uses his Canon to snap pictures of his car, to a dad sharing a special day of fishing with his son, to a hunter spending a day training his furry companion to retrieve ducks, there is always a story behind every photo; we just have to find it.

Additional credits for concept development and photograpy: Will Ford

All photos on 1st & 3rd print ad, 3rd billboard, and GIF by Abby Seale.



is very passionate about cars, and has been for many years. Hefrequents car meets and events tosocialize with other car enthusiasts. Another one of Vinny’s hobbies is car photography, so he can usually be spotted at a car meet snapping pictures.


Will and his dog, Caty, spend time together hunting and enjoying the outdoors. Will trains her to retrieve ducks during hunts and he also enjoys improving his skills in outdoor photography.

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